Deed Restrictions
Posted on Sep 1st, 2012
Deed Restrictions News! It has been brought to the boards attention that some property owners are not happy with the current deed restriction inspections. The board along with CKM have come to a solution to this request. In the past a third party inspector was completing the deed restriction drive thrus for Stone Ranch and would then turn the findings over to CKM for mail out. Going forward this will no longer be the process. Starting September 1st Jennifer the SRPOA community manager will now be completing the inspections and turning her findings over to the board for review. After the board validates the inspection then a letter will go out to the property owner informing them of the violation and giving them a date to correct the deed restriction. If the deed restriction is not corrected then fines will be incurred and the board will move forward with the proper actions. Please remember at any time if a property owner feels they are not in violation, the easiest way to resolve the problem is to request a hearing from the board. It is CKM and the SRPOA boards full intentions to keep your community looking beautiful and to make sure that property values are kept up!
Comment By: Dawn Hill
Posted on Sep 1, 2012
Great resolution! Keep up the good work, CKM and Board of Directors!
Last Edited: 09/06/2012 at 09:52 AM